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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Lean Green Food Waste Fighting Machine
Each year hundreds of thousands of pounds in hospital food waste is dumped into landfills. Thankfully, due to extensive research and development efforts there are existing innovations that can help institutions of all sizes tackle this stinky issue.

A New York based business, BioHitech is one company that specializes in providing environmentally friendly and cost effective solutions for waste disposal. Their mechanical invention, named the "Digester," is filled with micro-organisms that break down 100 pounds of food scraps an hour and in doing so reduces "greenhouse gas emissions by eliminating the trucking of food waste and saves money by avoiding disposal costs" (BioHitech America). The end product of BioHitech's machine is a liquified grey water which then drains into a conventional sanitary sewer system and transported to recovery centers for wastewater. This impressive apparatus has recently been integrated into Hackensack University Medical Center's (New Jersey) operations in an effort to propel their green aspirations. Since the Digester was introduced the Center has seen substantial reduction in food waste (also due in part to their new waste sorting stations) and as a result are saving over $8,000 a year in disposal services. What's even more profound than the payoff HUMC received from BioHitech's device is a deeper reflection of the considerably advantageous impact this could have on our environment, economy, and infrastructure if more institutions incorporated this process!

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