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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Lego Stacks Up to Sustainability

 "We have already taken important steps to reduce our carbon footprint and leave a positive impact on the planet by reducing the packaging size, by introducing FSC certified packaging and through our investment in an offshore wind farm. Now we are accelerating our focus on materials."  - Jørgen Vig Knudstorp, CEO and President of the LEGO Group

Toy building brick company Lego revealed some substantial investment plans this week, announcing to spend $105.5 million dollars on advancing its research, development, and implementation of "new, sustainable, raw materials to manufacture Lego pieces and packaging materials." The investment will be applied towards building a Lego Sustainable Materials Center at its headquarters location in Billund, Denmark and the company will be working over the course of the next couple years to complete its establishment. In addition, Lego Group has plans to recruit over 100 materials specialists to focus on its mission in finding alternative materials. CEO and President of Lego Group, Jørgen Vig Knudstorp states, "this [investment] is a major step for the Lego Group on our way towards achieving our 2030 ambition on sustainable materials."  Furthermore, while Lego Group is currently tapping into new areas for business development, operational improvement, and environmental advancement the company has already proudly achieved a spot in the "top 10 companies with the best corporate social responsibility reputation, according to Reputation Institute's annual CSR RepTrak (which ranks the world's 100 most reputable companies based on a set of factors such as citizenship, governance and workplace)." We think Lego's commitment to finding an alternative sustainable material to replace their current plastic elements is a wise investment and commend their environmental efforts! *Cue music* everything is awesome!!


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